Current Issue : July-September Volume : 2017 Issue Number : 3 Articles : 5 Articles
Around 20% of neurologists in the America were not aware of antiepileptic safety risks in patients of Asian descent. Carbamazepine (CBZ) remaining the first line therapy for trigeminal neuralgia, is causative for ADRs ranging from mild maculopapular exanthema to life threatening severe reactions, including SJS, an immune complex mediated hypersensitivity reaction that involving mucous membranes and the skin. At extreme ages, due to decreased immunity Stevens-Johnson syndrome is reported mostly. Patients with viral infections seem to have a higher risk of acquiring Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Antiepileptics, antibiotics and anticonvulsants are mostly reported to be implicated in Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Drugs with longer half-life were reported to cause adverse reactions more than those of with shorter half-life. Enzymes responsible for bioactivation and detoxification of Carbamazepine and their potential defects were proposed as possible mechanism for Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Fluid and electrolyte imbalances, moderate leukocytosis, elevated liver transaminase, microalbuminuria, hypoproteinuria, hyponatremia, and anaemia are known symptoms of Stevens-Johnson syndrome. ALDENS algorithm is specific method for diagnosis Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. The Food and Drug Administration in the United States, in 2007 recommended genetic testing of HLA-B*1502 allele in patients with ancestry across areas of Asia before prescribing Carbamazepine. Corticosteroids and intravenous immunoglobulins are immediate treatment options of Steven-Johnson syndrome. In United States, the average annual incidence of SJS was estimated to be around 1.2 to 6 cases per million with a male to female ratio of 1.5:1....
Stroke is a major public health challenge, which is a devastating and disabling disorder not only for neuropharmacology but the society in general. This study was conducted to describe and obtain the baseline data about the prevalence, complaints during admission, risk factors associated and prescribing pattern of drugs in stroke patients. A prospective cross sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital over a period of six months. The pharmacological therapy prescribed was analyzed to determine the prescribing pattern of drugs in a total of 60 patients. It was observed that the prevalence of ischemic stroke (60%) was found to be greater as compared to that of the hemorrhagic stroke (40%). The incidence of stroke was estimated higher in males (69%) as compared to females (31%). The current prescribing trends were antiplatelets (13.23%), antacids (13%), dyslipidemic (13.52%), diuretics (15%), calcium channel blocker (5.03%), multivitamin (14%) and ACE inhibitors (3.97%). The prescribing pattern of drugs should be based on specificity and severity of stroke in order to facilitate rational use of drugs providing optimal care. Pharmacists are in a key position to provide pharmaceutical care to stroke survivors and initiate or recommend appropriate pharmacotherapy where indicated. Integration of a role of pharmacist in the management of stroke is crucial and improves outcomes of patients....
Angelman syndrome is defined as a complex based genetical disorder which primarily found affecting the central nervous system. The special or Characteristic features of such condition includes delayed development of brain, intellectual disabilities, severe speech related impairment and the problems occur with movement and balance condition (ataxia). Most of the affected children also are more prone to have re-current seizures (convulsions) and a small head size condition (microcephaly). Delayed or improper development becomes noticed by the age group of 5 to 12 months and where the other common symptoms and signs usually are appeared in early phase of their childhood. Children or child with Angelman syndrome will typically have a happy and excited de-mean or with re-current smile, laughter and hand-flapping like movements. Hyper-reactivity, a short attention span and the fascination with water like conditions are common. Most of the affected children also have generally the difficulty in sleeping and accepts the need of less sleep than in usual. However, the affected individuals are continued to have the intellectual disability, moderate to severe speech impairment and convulsions or seizures throughout the lives. Adults suffering with Angelman syndrome are supposed to have distinctive facial expressions that might be considered as \"coarse.\" The Other most common features includes like unusual fairy skin; light-colored hair and abnormal side-to-side curve of spine (scoliosis). The life expectance of those people with such condition appeared to be normal....
The Bombay Blood Group is rare blood group with absence or deficiency of H antigen. This is first reported in Bombay (Mumbai) 1952. Named for the city in which it was first discovered. It is a blood group which shows absence of A, B, H antigens on red cells and presence of anti-A, anti-B and anti-H antibodies in serum. The H antigen is located on the surface of red blood cells and is the precursor of A and B antigens. H antigen can be synthesized by H gene FUT1 and FUT2 which is located on chromosome 19 and give rise to glycosyl transferase that add 1-fucose to a precursor substance to produce H antigen on red cells. Bombay group would be categorized as O group because they wouldn’t show any reaction to anti-A and anti-B antibodies just like a normal O group. When a cross matching is done then it would show cross-reactivity or incompatibility. The reverser or serum grouping has to be performed to detect the Bombay blood group....
The discovery of this principal gene which was designated with a hereditary problem named as haemochromatosis (HFE) in 1996 led to the complete understanding of this condition. The impact of the property homozygosity for this C282Y mutation, results to majority of un-probable cases, which cannot be underestimated. Earlier the accurate diagnosis or condition is obsolete possible and this disease entirely shows the preventable measures through the process named as phlebotomy. Liver biopsy is found to be mainly reserved in identifying the cases for hepatoma virus surveillance. Presentation with any of these classical signs relating for the end-organ related damage is less typical, though joint related symptoms are more common and impairs the quality of life in persons or patients with haemo-chromatosis. Penetrance is much lower in the females and as on the immediate treatment was not always insisted in the pre-symptomatic state. A lower clinical index of the conditioned suspicion should avoid the delay in the early diagnosis and the family or hereditary screening is allocated to be fundamental. Vene-section is one of the first most effective in isolating or removing the liver iron, though there are new orally related iron chelators showing promise. Though certain environmental factors, like usage of alcohol is one of the important reason for expression of the HFE-related haemochromatosis showing certain genetical modifiers suitable for haemochromatosis. Novel genes related underpinning substitutes are less found to be the common types of variant haemochromatosis disorders which interacts in the common molecular or levular pathway involving the HFE and regulatory hormone named as ‘hepcidin’, which transports the iron export related protein named as ferroportin which maintains the body iron balance. Proper improving of our understanding related to the above of mechanisms of iron regulation leads to development of novel strategies for treatment of iron base haemochromatosis....